Saturday, September 17, 2011

Current obsessions

Pumpkin spice latte: Ummm, how is it that I've NEVER had one??  It's about that time in Portland....where I'm pretty sure I won't see the blue sky for....another 8 months probably? Soooo...pumpkin spice lattes are gonna be my new "It's rainy, I don't care how much sugar is in this, and I feel FESTIVE drinking it" thing.  If it helps, it is a SOY pumpkin spice latte.  

Pambiche: Cute little hole in the wall-ish Cuban place.  The food and wine were EXCELLENT.  If anyone comes to visit me, we are eating here.  The prices were a tad bit higher than I expected them to be....but it's ok because the food was deeeeelicious, and they gave me great pour of wine ;)  I'd definitely have it two nights in a row...maaaybe even three.

Mm mm mmm


  1. YUM! I knew you'd like Cuban- you know how I've been trying to get you to eat it for awhile now! Soooo good. And really? You've never had a pumpkin spice latte? Who. Are. You.

  2. mmm cuba de soul hawaii... keri + my favorite! :) when you come home we can have sangrias there! oooh and when us girls come to visit, please take us to your cuban hang out!!! ps...i can't believe this is the first time you are having a psl?! soooo cute. what a bae.

  3. Ahaha who. am. iiiiiiiiii???!! Yes ma, I am taking you guys here fooo'shoo!!!! Miss u my loooovieees
