Monday, September 26, 2011

So phoooo-ll it hurts what's for dinner.  Ohhh and you bettah believe it's homemade.  No, I did not make it.  But I will definitely LEARN :)  Welcome to cure for everything. 

Two of my favorite things: Pho and wine

Sunday, September 25, 2011

An assortment of things

iiiiiiiiit's...about that time. Time for updates. Alright, there aren't MANY.  But I haven't blogged on a regular basis lately...and I also just wanted to share what I cooked for the first time last Thursday.  I have no pics to show the wonderful entrée....BUT, I cooked my mom's awesome salmon!!!! Um....I don't even cook I was excited to have started with a fish.  And for dessert.....
Ohh yeeaaah.

So this wknd I got to have a beer at the Jeld Wen Field which was pretty awesome...thanks to my coool cousin Erica ;) 

I caught the bus downtown TWICE this wknd.  And I gotta say...LOTS of interesting people.  Like they say...."keep Portland weird"...and I had thought my entire life that IIIIIIII was weird.  I also noticed that on the bus....people have that airport terminal vibe about them....the "I don't want to be here so I"ll just look angry and stare awkwardly into space or at you" look.  I keep to maybe I look like that too.  But I doubt it cause I smile a lot.  So maybe I just look like a creeper....or a smilin' fool.  Swell.


I definitely experienced "not being ready for Portland rain" as it POURED on me right as I got off the bus.  I know, what timing mother nature had there.  And correction, it poured after I decided to get a my delish pumpkin spice latte...that I was attempting to enjoy while I was running lost in the rain, latte spilling on my hand, and cute grayish purple urban flats getting soaked and DESTROYED.  Sad day, for 5 min.  Cause I love them shoes.  But needless to say the beautiful Pioneer Square shopping center came to my assistance.  I really don't NEED to be shopping...I mean....I'm a "broke-A volunteer".  But there it was....ok ok....and my entire point of heading into downtown today was to actually find an H&M, so I'm guilty!

So, let me show you how to be a broke fashion ICON. Jk jk, I meant...shopper.  Also, I just wanted to show my sistah some things I bought today.

I feel very "Portland" in this. This is a top I got from bamboo sky actually....that I LOVE. And it was probably one of the cheapest things in the store. I'm pretty good at finding cheap things at expensive boutiques.  It's possible people.  The flats for example...$59 at Banana Republic that I got on sale for like TWELVE bucks.
I LOVE this scarf as well, I wear it with SO many things....H&M baby. Sweatshirt from Forever, and bag is from GAP! 
A lot of people complimented my sweater.  They were def diggin the MJ shoulder tassels
Sooo, I love my bag from GAP's rain resistant, SO light, and the army green and tan go well with mostly everything. 

A staple in my at least one item from American Apparel. Here are my AA high wasted shorts I wear with everything.  I  can buy a top for a it with these behbehs and I look like a million bucks...or more like $68 to be exact.  The top is from forever. And below is the headband I am wearing (the newest addition to my head wear...lovah it)

Forever 21

MY NEW BOOOOOTS. Along with the MJ sweater and cami shorts I've had for YEARS that I "accidently" stole from my sis YEARS ago, that I wore in college every day. Nothing fashionable to note here...except for my boots. AND the fact that comfort is great too.  Fashion is about comfort as well, and being comfortable in what you're wearing. It's funny... I'm pretty sure that's how I developed any "fashion sense" at all....was being comfortable, and people just LIKED it.

Everything H&M right hurrrr.

Taaaaadaaaa!! The end. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Here is the stream of consciousness that follow the random photos: It's been a big dream of mine to lay in a field of flowers. I should really start biking since I am in the state of bikers who have the right of way. I love old people and ridiculously cute babies. I love loving and it'd be nice to just pack up your things one day with a camera...and lovaah...and say, "let's go baby" (said in that old school black and white 50's way)
Source: None via Andy on Pinterest
Source: via Andy on Pinterest
Source: None via Meagan on Pinterest
Source: via Kirsten on Pinterest

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Current obsessions

Pumpkin spice latte: Ummm, how is it that I've NEVER had one??  It's about that time in Portland....where I'm pretty sure I won't see the blue sky for....another 8 months probably? Soooo...pumpkin spice lattes are gonna be my new "It's rainy, I don't care how much sugar is in this, and I feel FESTIVE drinking it" thing.  If it helps, it is a SOY pumpkin spice latte.  

Pambiche: Cute little hole in the wall-ish Cuban place.  The food and wine were EXCELLENT.  If anyone comes to visit me, we are eating here.  The prices were a tad bit higher than I expected them to be....but it's ok because the food was deeeeelicious, and they gave me great pour of wine ;)  I'd definitely have it two nights in a row...maaaybe even three.

Mm mm mmm

Monday, September 12, 2011

My sunday in fotos

My mellow sunday.  Gotta enjoy those days and times we have to just.....drink espressos and lay in parks all day.
Thai wrap and an espresso to start my day

Then I basically spent the day in the park...

and read...

looked at the sunshine...

stared at the sky...

then the trees...

oh, and the geese

Ahh, so at ease.

Then finished the day with a another park

Oh, day of parks!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Counting my blessings

I am grateful for life.  I am grateful for my health.  I am grateful for laughter.  I am grateful for genuine kind hearted people.  I am grateful for love.  I am grateful for every person in my life whom I love so  so much.  You all make me such a happy soul.

You are TRULY the seeds to my growth and happiness.  Words can't express how grateful I am for every single one of you.  Since my sistah is  now a follower of my blog...and for the first time in years we are actually not glued to the hip..and are in fact separated by this huge ocean, I'd like to just tell her that YOU'RE MY FREEEAKIN BEST FRIEND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you :)  
My BFF-sta

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ms. Chan

I am "Ms. Chan".  It was extremely awkward at first introducing myself to these students as Ms. Chan...when I really don't look THAT much older than them.  A parent asked me a couple of weeks ago if I was an incoming Freshman for example.  Buuuurnnn.  Jk, I embrace it, because I know in 30 years i'll look stellar for my age.  Let us all be thankful for Asian genes.  lol :)  So Tuesday was the first day of school....and it's been really nice with the kids finally around!! I love observing them (hopefully in the least creepiest way possible) and I love interacting with them.  I am amazed with how bright and intelligent some of these kids are....while others have already given me a headache or two....haha but I still love them.  The freshman are rascals but adorable and so innocent.  The sophomore girls are eager to grow up so fast.  The juniors are...respectful.  And the seniors.....well they're "seeeeeee-nioooors".  I remember saying that all the time Senior year.  Oh how cool you always think you used to be.  I am stoked to be helping LYM (Lasalian Youth Ministry) as well and being in charge of planning all the dances for the year.  I already have an adorable bright small group of girls for my homecoming committee.  Working in LYM will be a great creative outlet for me, when things in CIP get caaa-raaaazy.

Last night, I was invited to such a fun event.  It was called "Music for Medicine", and it's an annual party thrown on behalf of the Children's Cancer Association.  I wish I took pictures.  $25, all you can eat and drink, silent auction, a band, dancing, a great ambiance and fun company!  I found the attire description very cute, "Attire: This will be a night to remember as you wear your favorite Cocktail Attire! Think your cousin’s wedding, but super chic or if you have a cute bridesmaid dress, this is the place to re-wear it. (slight change on attire J).  It's too bad I only have THREE dresses here...but I made it work.  My dress was pretty "chic wedding" I think.  Ha, but when I got there, there were a BUNCH of people dressed like they were going to the prom!!!  But  even if my prom dress from high school magically appeared in my closet, umm...I'd definitely veto wearing it.  All in all, it was a very fun evening.  Now....I am relishing in the fact that it is only Saturday night.  And that I'm going to watch The Lion King.  

Naaaaaaaa Saaaaaveniiiaaaa!! Did you know that it's actually spelled like this tho....Nants ingonyama bagithi baba.  Sithi uhhmm ingonyama.  

Monday, September 5, 2011

Escape to the coast

Dear Seaside, Astoria and friends of the Coast,

The retreat this wknd to your homeland was beeeeeautiful.  I can't lie, seeing the the ocean did make me miss Hawaii's beaches....however the coast was extraordinary and our last stop to Canon beach was stunning.  I couldn't believe how much BEACH there was to it.  Thank you for showing us a great time and giving us beautiful weather.  I'll leave you here with some pictures and videos that sooort of sum up the mild and relaxing wknd.

JUMP Brothers JUMP!

This beach was beautiful. HAD to capture the horses.  I never see horses on an average day a la playa.

LV. Recongniiiiize.

LOVE dogs that swim in the water.

All our love,
The LV community