Saturday, January 21, 2012

This too shall pass

Some things that always make me feel better include the following:

- Wine
- Musica
- "Let it be" by The Beatles (the one from the soundtrack Across the Universe is also a beautiful one)
- Looking through old fotos
- A shower
- This one is hard....but really really trying to put everything in perspective. And when you truly do, you realize that things ain't all that bad.
- Talking with someone you love. Doesn't have to be a significant other. Sometimes an old friend works just fiiine.
- A simple blog ;)

I am not currently going through a break up or anything. If I were, I'd probably have a lot more to say on here, or wouldn't even be here. Yeeeah girls, you know where I'd be. The bar. Either that or crouched over on a bed/couch/ground balling with music playing. No, no music playing because honestly at that point you're too sad to even figure out what to freakin play. So balling...with a bottle of vino. Aaaanyways, India.Arie's "Testimony: Vol. 1, Life & Relationship" album is what got my sis and I through those "devastating" times. I haven't really listened to her for a while now. But the album is so beautiful. The one that spoke to me today was, "This Too Shall Pass". I don't think it needs an explanation :)

I also just wanna go where the wind calls my name (a reference from my homegirl). So hippie, yah?

Love you India.Arie

I also love how wine was the first one to make that list. Man, I'm such a winoo. And I can't wait for Napa.


  1. Funny how similar my list is to yours. Esp Let It Be. I found a shirt at Urban that's two sizes too big but I had to buy it because it has all the lyrics silk screened on it :)

  2. This is the company that makes it, Lords of Liverpool - for some reason no mo long sleeve avail on their site! It's impossible for me to make a t-shirt look cute but if anyone can, it's you, cousin.
