Sunday, January 8, 2012


TWENTYTWELVE!!!! WHOO....I am excited for this year. A lot of change and transitions will be happening within this year, and I'm quite excited. By the way, "neujahr" is new year in gaaa-man. That was german in a german accent. And at least that's what google tells me. And when is google wrong?? So at the end of my service here, I will attempt to find a job that could keep me financially steady while looking into graduate schools. There are so many different paths I could take that I am SO unsure of....but I think that's the beauty of life. Not knowing exactly where you'll end up, but just trying to make the best journey out of it. Siiiigh, how I wish it could be as easy and beautiful as it just get off the grid for a while and not have to worry about financial obligations, rent, car payments, yada yada yada...bleh. Ha...I'm doing the best I can tho.

Portland had been great. I love what I am doing here and I love this city. It's a city with a small town vibe almost. Friendly and weird people at every corner. I have yet to really explore ALL of Portland. I think I enjoy the down time I get to myself too much. And also, nothing wants to make me stay inside more than cold weather and rain. I'm definitely not a Portlander yet. But I really don't mind the weather. 

The kids at school are a handful, especially my personal finance class of sophomores...BUT I love them. I enjoy making the connections I've made with a lot of them. As if I don't say it enough, these kids are truly amazing. I mean, sometimes they cause my blood pressure to rise and are very inappropriate at times, but they're kids with a good heart. They are what I will miss the most when this year is up. 

The corporate internship program continues to be a handful as well. But I love the opportunity it gives the kids...even though they don't all understand this quite yet. They get real life work experience at such a young age at a handful of companies ranging from law firms, hospitals, restaurants, marketing companies such as Nike and Jordan and more! And they have us, their very own personal corporate internship coordinator to help them and make sure they are on the right track. Yup, all 300 kids. Yowza! Ugh, but such a wonderful program :)

The difficult part is balancing professionalism and compassion. Most of these kids hardly have a good support system. That's what WE are for, to encourage and motivate them while they're facing hardship or abuse at home. Then we also have to keep up with and manage over 75 companies that expect theses kids to be perfect young professionals. But we are truly grateful for the companies who GET our program and GET our kids. It is these sponsors who we truly love and appreciate, because they work with us, and most importantly they work with the kids. Without them, these kids would not be able to earn a high school education.

Sooo. not to speedily change the subject or anything.....

But this wouldn't exactly be a new years post without some new years resolutions! So here it goes...first resolutions I've made in YEARS:

1. SAVE my moolah
2. Find a job (hopeful for Cali) and figure out this grad school sheezy
3. Finish the 4 books on my desk
4. Incorporate more healthy energizing snacks into my diet instead of candy and sugar
5. Figure out some type of life plan
6. Be good to my loved ones
7. Be good to myself :)
8. And for the lucky number 8....keep growing....mentally and spiritually.


Happy new year every one!! Let's make it a happy and prosperous one!!

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