Saturday, February 4, 2012

Street cruisin

This past week, Portland has been goooorgeous!! No, not gorgeous like, "It's cold and grey but it's not raining and our windshields aren't frozen?? OMG it's it's beautiful!!!!". Because any day where it's not drizzling or raining outside I actually really consider a beautiful day. This past week has actually been GORGEOUS with the sun out and high 50's. Yes, still a bit nippy...especially for a Hawaii girl. But I've learned to really appreciate these days out here.

SO....I started the day early with breakfast at 8:30 at Mother's Bistro & Bar on Stark street, downtown Portland. It was deeeeeelicious. A cute little breakfast (lunch and dinner) place with free coffee refills ;) Great service and cute decor. Altho my only complaint that I noticed from a distance, since I ordered a that their omelets come out looking perfect. Not perfect like, "mm that looks delish!". Perfect like, "is that plastic??". Haha it's just I think an omelet should have texture to it. Their omelets looked a little TOO smooth and panned. Other than that, I liked it. Then later in the day I went to Hawthorne street...a cool street with coffee shops, stores, and Powell's books. My first time in Powell's....the bookstore that is well known and famous for being one of the largest bookstores in the US! There are two locations for Powell's...downtown and Hawthorne. I went to the smaller one. But STILL pretty big for me. Picked me up a Dalai Lama memoir, cruised along the street, and then headed to Mississippi. Mississippi is a street that is similar to the street I live on, Alberta, except less weird people... and a bit more upper scale I guess. The famous Mexican joint Porque No resides there as well as a bunch of other restaurants, shops etc. It's a street I haven't been on since the summer. And it's one of my favorite streets. I LOVE Mississippi. And that was my SIMPLE day :) 

This is random, but did you know you can spell omelet like that, and like this: omelette? I never consciously realized it until it took me 5 attempts to correct it. I know how to spell the word. It was just one of those days where you just CAN'T SPELL IT FOR THE LIFE OF YOU. Then you have to google it and go, "ohhh DUUUUH"....and then do a hand slap to your your head, cause I don't ever really do that in real life. 

 Discovering coffee, bookstore, card, and street at a time.