Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dearest Portland,

Thank you for being beautiful today. I will miss you, but....I am really excited to go home and wear shorts, slippers, and clothes that do not cover my entire body. But I'll see you in 2 weeks. Try not to get TOO cold. I am not a fan of scraping ice off of the wind shield every morning.

Ciao ciao!

Monday, December 5, 2011


I will not even attempt to discuss religion here because simply put, it's something BEYOND me. I have one, and there's so much anger and animosity towards it. I try as an individual, to stay true to my religion and respect the religion and beliefs of others (as everyone should). You can have a religion, not have a religion, believe in God, believe in several gods, or be an atheist. As long as you know what you believe and why, have a good heart, a kind soul, a concern and compassion for others and an open mind that is respectful towards others...kudos, you're wonderful already. What I am DEEPLY intrigued with is ones own spirituality. Where did it come from? Do you connect it with your faith/religion? Is it deeply rooted from your upbringing or is it something you had to find on your own? CAN you find it or should one just possess it? Do you consider yourself spiritual to avoid being religious? Do spirituality and religion go hand in hand? Are you spiritual because you are unsure which religion you identify with? Do you (and I) romanticize it? Do you have time in your day to be a "spiritual being"? What the HECK does it mean to be a spiritual being?? And why the HECK did I just ask 21 questions about it. I told you, I'm intrigued with people's individual spiritualism and how they celebrate/identify it.

I feel that everyone possesses their own unique expression/inner being of spirituality. It's something we can all have a mutual respect and understanding for. I mean, who's to say that you're not reflecting, meditating or praying correctly? Who is not searching for inner peace? Personally, I pray for it every day. I think that spirituality is a journey within one's own state of mind and body. I feel that to truly connect with your inner spirituality, you must connect with your soul. You need to rid your body and mind of the toxins, waste, bad thoughts, angry feelings, etc, so that your entire self can be clear and ready for replenishment. Think about it. As one of a religious order does, they devote their lives to God. They release themselves of every pleasure known to man to the point where all that it left within them is their soul. Amazing. I don't want to become a nun, and I definitely want to continue enjoying the pleasures of life. But I want to feel that connection with my soul....without any type of intoxication.

It's hard in our culture to do this. We have incredibly SO much to distract us and keep us busy. We are working machines, masochists, and slaves to our image, reputation, lifestyle, and debt.  Not to put a downer on humanity, but we need more of it. And maybe true, genuine spiritualism is a foundation for that. A foundation for inner peace and happiness. It's all I want in people and this world.

But then again, I'm not just a "hippie who wants peace". I embrace the world and it's mistakes, because how else will we grow together? Balance is essential. Without yin wouldn't be yang. Without Brahma would not be Vishnu or Shiva. A world without destruction and "inhumanism" is impossible. A world with a little more compassion, happiness and perhaps spiritualism IS.
